Lenovo ThinkPad E460 (DIS GPU) Schematic & Boardview BE460 NM-A551

The motherboard schematic, Boardview (*.cad), Component Finder (*.pdf, Boardview PDF) for Lenovo ThinkPad E460 (DIS GPU) laptop/notebook, BE460 NM-A551 Motherboard.
CPU/PCH: Intel SkyLake-U 2 2 PCH-LP
GPU: Exo Pro 2G DDR3 S3 / Meso XT 2G DDR3 S3 (DIS)
Document Number: BE460 NM-A551
Format: PDF, CAD
Searchable PDF file, No watermark of website
Language: English
Sale Price: 13.5$ (include Boardview)

Boardview Software

  • Open Boardview(.cad) file with BoardViewer (Download)

Original document, no irrelevant watermark.

What’s included:

— BoardView (.cad) file
— Component Finder (.pdf) Boardview PDF
— BE460 NM-A551 Schematic (.pdf)

Lenovo ThinkPad E460 (DIS GPU) NM-A551 Schematic:

Lenovo ThinkPad E460 (DIS GPU) NM-A551 Boardview:

Lenovo ThinkPad E460 (DIS GPU) NM-A551 Component Finder: